Bedugul Highland Mountain Resorts

Bedugul is a mountainous area located in the central part of Bali, Indonesia. It is known for its cool and refreshing climate, stunning natural landscapes, and several popular attractions. Here's some information about Bedugul and its highlights:

  1. Location and Climate: Bedugul is situated in the highlands of Bali, approximately 1,200 meters (3,900 feet) above sea level. The area is surrounded by lush green hills, serene lakes, and beautiful forests. Due to its elevation, Bedugul enjoys a cooler climate compared to the coastal regions of Bali, offering a pleasant escape from the tropical heat.

  2. Ulun Danu Beratan Temple: One of the most iconic landmarks in Bedugul is the Ulun Danu Beratan Temple, also known as the Pura Ulun Danu Bratan. This stunning temple is located on the shores of Lake Bratan and is dedicated to the Hindu goddess of water, Dewi Danu. The temple complex features traditional Balinese architecture and provides breathtaking views of the lake and the surrounding mountains.

  3. Lake Bratan: Lake Bratan is a picturesque lake located near the Ulun Danu Beratan Temple. It is a significant water source for irrigation in Bali and is surrounded by beautiful mountain scenery. Visitors can rent traditional paddle boats or take a guided boat tour to explore the lake and enjoy the tranquility of the surroundings.

  4. Bali Botanic Garden: Situated on the slopes of Mount Pohen, the Bali Botanic Garden (Kebun Raya Eka Karya) is a vast botanical garden covering an area of about 157 hectares (389 acres). It is the largest botanic garden in Indonesia and showcases a wide variety of plants, including orchids, ferns, and a vast collection of tropical trees. The garden also serves as a research and conservation center for Indonesian flora.

  5. Waterfalls: Bedugul is also known for its enchanting waterfalls. One of the popular waterfalls in the area is the Gitgit Waterfall, located about 11 kilometers (6.8 miles) from Bedugul. Gitgit Waterfall is a stunning cascade surrounded by lush greenery, and visitors can enjoy swimming in its refreshing waters. Other waterfalls in the region include Munduk Waterfall and Banyumala Twin Waterfall, which are known for their natural beauty.

  6. Outdoor Activities: With its scenic landscapes and cooler climate, Bedugul offers various outdoor activities. Visitors can go hiking or trekking in the nearby hills and mountains, explore the surrounding villages and rice terraces, or even engage in water sports and fishing in Lake Bratan. The area is also suitable for cycling and nature walks.

Overall, Bedugul in Bali is a charming mountainous area that provides a serene escape from the bustling coastal regions. Its cool climate, natural attractions, and cultural landmarks make it a popular destination for nature lovers, photographers, and those seeking a peaceful retreat in the heart of Bali.


NIB 1229002482233   KBLI: 79121 - ABPW | Sertifikat No: 12290024822330001  | Thn. 2021
Jalan Tukad Balian/ Pandawa No 7 Renon 80226 Dps Bali - Indonesia

Email: [email protected] | Phone / Chat / V-call WhatsApp: +6287779992555 | Url:


NIB 1229002482233   KBLI: 79121 - ABPW | Sertifikat No: 12290024822330001  | Thn. 2021
Jalan Tukad Balian/ Pandawa No 7 Renon 80226 Dps Bali - Indonesia

Email: [email protected] | Phone / Chat / V-call WhatsApp: +6287779992555 | Url: