Tirta Gangga Water Palace - Karangasem - Bali

Tirta Gangga is a beautiful water palace located in the eastern part of Bali, Indonesia. It is one of the popular tourist attractions on the island, known for its serene and picturesque setting. The name "Tirta Gangga" translates to "Water of the Ganges," symbolizing its importance as a sacred place.

Tirta Gangga was built in 1946 by the late King of Karangasem, Anak Agung Anglurah Ketut Karangasem. It served as a royal palace and a place for the king and his family to relax and rejuvenate. The palace was designed by Anak Agung's architect, who was inspired by the iconic water palace in nearby Ujung.

The highlight of Tirta Gangga is its stunning gardens and pools. The complex is set amidst lush greenery, with beautifully manicured lawns, lotus ponds, and numerous decorative statues and stone carvings. The gardens are adorned with fountains and bathing pools, creating a tranquil and enchanting atmosphere.

Visitors to Tirta Gangga can explore the gardens through a network of stone pathways and bridges. They can walk across the stepping stones in the large pond or relax in the shade of the pavilions scattered throughout the complex. One of the main attractions is a large swimming pool where visitors can take a dip and enjoy the refreshing water.

The water in Tirta Gangga is considered holy, and locals believe it possesses curative properties. Many Balinese Hindus come here to bathe and make offerings during religious ceremonies. It is also a popular spot for tourists to capture stunning photographs and experience the traditional Balinese architecture and culture.

In addition to the gardens and pools, Tirta Gangga also houses a small temple called Pura Taman Ujung. This temple is dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu and is adorned with intricate carvings and stone sculptures. The temple complex offers a panoramic view of the surrounding countryside and the ocean in the distance.

Overall, Tirta Gangga is a place of natural beauty and cultural significance in Bali. It offers visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the peaceful ambiance, enjoy the serene gardens, and learn about the rich heritage of the island.


NIB 1229002482233   KBLI: 79121 - ABPW | Sertifikat No: 12290024822330001  | Thn. 2021
Jalan Tukad Balian/ Pandawa No 7 Renon 80226 Dps Bali - Indonesia

Email: [email protected] | Phone / Chat / V-call WhatsApp: +6287779992555 | Url: baligoldentrips.com


NIB 1229002482233   KBLI: 79121 - ABPW | Sertifikat No: 12290024822330001  | Thn. 2021
Jalan Tukad Balian/ Pandawa No 7 Renon 80226 Dps Bali - Indonesia

Email: [email protected] | Phone / Chat / V-call WhatsApp: +6287779992555 | Url: baligoldentrips.com