Jati Luwih Rice Terraces "UNESCO Herritage" - Tabanan, Bali

Jatiluwih is a renowned rice terrace located in the Tabanan Regency of Bali. It is known for its stunning landscapes, terraced rice fields, and rich cultural heritage.
The name "Jatiluwih" can be translated as "truly marvelous" or "really beautiful" in the Balinese language, and it certainly lives up to its name.

The Jatiluwih rice paddy covers an expansive area of approximately 600 hectares (1,500 acres) and is situated at an altitude of about 700 meters (2,300 feet) above sea level. The terraced fields are meticulously carved into the hilly landscape, creating a breathtaking sight that stretches from the foot of the Batukaru mountain range to the coastal plains.

The traditional Subak irrigation system, which has been recognized as a UNESCO Cultural Landscape, is practiced in Jatiluwih. This ancient and sustainable irrigation system allows farmers to effectively manage the water supply for their crops. The Subak system emphasizes harmony with nature and community cooperation.

Jatiluwih offers visitors a chance to experience the beauty of Bali's rural countryside. Travelers can explore the area on foot or rent a bicycle to navigate through the narrow pathways that wind through the rice fields. Along the way, you'll encounter stunning vistas, lush greenery, and a peaceful ambiance that immerses you in the tranquility of rural Bali.

For those interested in learning more about traditional Balinese agriculture, there are several agro-tourism activities available in Jatiluwih. You can participate in activities such as rice planting, farming, or even trying your hand at traditional Balinese crafts. Local farmers and guides are often happy to share their knowledge and provide insights into their way of life.

It's important to note that Jatiluwih is not only a tourist destination but also a living and working landscape. The rice terraces are actively cultivated by local farmers, and their livelihood depends on rice production. Visitors are encouraged to respect the surroundings, stay on designated paths, and support the local community by purchasing local products or handicrafts.

Jatiluwih's natural beauty, cultural significance, and agricultural heritage make it a must-visit destination for those seeking an authentic experience of Bali's rural charm.


NIB 1229002482233   KBLI: 79121 - ABPW | Sertifikat No: 12290024822330001  | Thn. 2021
Jalan Tukad Balian/ Pandawa No 7 Renon 80226 Dps Bali - Indonesia

Email: [email protected] | Phone / Chat / V-call WhatsApp: +6287779992555 | Url: baligoldentrips.com


NIB 1229002482233   KBLI: 79121 - ABPW | Sertifikat No: 12290024822330001  | Thn. 2021
Jalan Tukad Balian/ Pandawa No 7 Renon 80226 Dps Bali - Indonesia

Email: [email protected] | Phone / Chat / V-call WhatsApp: +6287779992555 | Url: baligoldentrips.com