Ubud Sancuary Monkey Forest

Ubud Sanctuary Monkey Forest

The Ubud Monkey Forest, also known as the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary, is a popular tourist attraction located in the village of Padangtegal, in the town of Ubud on the island of Bali, Indonesia. It is a natural habitat and conservation area that is home to a large population of long-tailed macaques, a species of monkeys.

The Monkey Forest spans approximately 27 acres (11 hectares) and is densely covered by a lush forest consisting of ancient trees and various plant species. It is not only a sanctuary for the monkeys but also serves as a spiritual and cultural center for the local community.

Visitors to the Monkey Forest can observe and interact with the monkeys in their natural environment. While the monkeys are accustomed to human presence, it's important to exercise caution and follow the guidelines provided by the staff. The monkeys can be mischievous and may attempt to snatch food or belongings, so it's advisable to avoid bringing any loose or valuable items into the forest.

Within the Monkey Forest, there are three Hindu temples that hold great significance to the local community. The Pura Dalem Agung Padangtegal temple, dedicated to the goddess of death and the underworld, is the oldest and most important temple in the area. The Pura Beji temple is dedicated to the goddess of purification, while the Pura Prajapati temple is used for cremation ceremonies.

Exploring the forest, you'll also come across picturesque pathways, stone statues, and ancient relics, adding to the mystical ambiance of the place. The Monkey Forest is well-maintained, and efforts are made to preserve its natural beauty and cultural heritage.

Aside from being a tourist attraction, the Monkey Forest plays an important role in the conservation and research of its resident macaques. It aims to educate visitors about the importance of preserving wildlife and the environment.

When visiting the Ubud Monkey Forest, it's recommended to wear comfortable clothing, use insect repellent, and avoid feeding the monkeys with any outside food. It's also advisable to be respectful of the sacredness of the temples and follow the rules and regulations set by the sanctuary.

In summary, the Ubud Monkey Forest in Bali offers a unique experience to visitors, combining wildlife encounters with cultural and spiritual elements. It's a place where you can observe monkeys in their natural habitat, explore ancient temples, and immerse yourself in the beauty of the surrounding forest.


NIB 1229002482233   KBLI: 79121 - ABPW | Sertifikat No: 12290024822330001  | Thn. 2021
Jalan Tukad Balian/ Pandawa No 7 Renon 80226 Dps Bali - Indonesia

Email: [email protected] | Phone / Chat / V-call WhatsApp: +6287779992555 | Url: baligoldentrips.com


NIB 1229002482233   KBLI: 79121 - ABPW | Sertifikat No: 12290024822330001  | Thn. 2021
Jalan Tukad Balian/ Pandawa No 7 Renon 80226 Dps Bali - Indonesia

Email: [email protected] | Phone / Chat / V-call WhatsApp: +6287779992555 | Url: baligoldentrips.com